Liberty Investigative Services, Inc.
440 South Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301
Phone: (954) 462-6262

Private Probation Supervision

Private Probation Supervision Service*

Probation Officers always carry overwhelming caseloads and are pressed for time. They must manage their cases, make court appearances, conduct investigations, continue their training and make required contacts in the community. Getting access to your officer can be very difficult and at times impossible.

Community Control Officer

If an individual is motivated to successfully complete their sentence in the most informed and efficient manner, then private supervision is the answer.

Our investigator consultants have the experience to provide you with timely information and accurate guidance regarding all aspects of your sentence.

Clients will be able to contact us 24/7/365 and as often as necessary to resolve issues or concerns, all in a private and confidential manner.

An individualized supervision plan will be developed with the client, attorney and treatment providers in order to focus on potential problem areas and monitor progress.

Regular visitation to clients enables us to observe the routines and habits of clients ensuring compliance with sentence conditions.

Monthly reports are maintained to record case activity and document the proper administration of Court orders.

The level and extent of supervision will vary according to an individual’s needs. 

* Notice: This service does not supercede any court ordered supervision requirements. Supplemental supervision is strictly provided to assist probationers in complying with all conditions of their sanctions and is completely voluntary.